Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Experience Has Taught Me

Looking back at the last two years, I am amazed at how much my life has changed!  I am happier, stronger, and closer to my Heavenly Father than I had ever been before.

I was recently asked, "If I didn't think the church was true could you explain to me how it is without telling me to read the book and pray about it?"

I had so many memories flood into my mind (just from the last 2 years) when I realized that it all came down to this; aside from constant confirmation from the Holy Ghost that the Church of Jesus Christ is the true church, actually living the principles of the gospel and witnessing the blessings that come from doing so leave no room for doubt - the gospel is true.

I know tithing stories like mine are cliche, but I can't tell you how many times I faithfully paid my tithing while wondering how other bills or necessary purchases were going to be taken care of when all of a sudden a check came in the mail that was just enough to help us break even.

I can't tell you how many times I prayed asking for help, then received the guidance I needed by being prompted to read an article, talk to the bishop, confide in a friend, etc...

I have been comforted, strengthened, forgiven, healed, guided, loved, and so much more.  Experience accompanied by confirmation from the Holy Ghost has taught me - the gospel is true!!!

...just so you know ;-)

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