Saturday, January 8, 2011

Company Party at a Lesbian Bar

So, Ryan's workplace had a holiday party tonight. We went - I thought it would be fun to get out and socialize. Don't get me wrong - it was way fun...mostly because it's fun watching people after they've had a few drinks.

The party took place at nyne bistro & bar. Apparently it's a "women's sports bar"... aka, a lesbian bar. Now, I don't know whose idea it was to have a company party at a women's sports bar, but....oh well.

We all got 2 free drinks. Ryan and I had 2 orange cream soda, root beer, and sierra mist altogether. A few of Ryan's coworkers were like "Ryan! You're drinking?!?! GOOD FOR YOU!" Then we pointed out that it was just root beer. Silly people - they have it so wrong.

Ryan and I were hanging out, leaning against a wall - when this group of lesbians passed us by and this girl was totally checking me out (I didn't think so at first, but Ryan noticed, too and thought it was hilarious)....awkward! At least for me anyway...

Also, while Ryan and I were chatting - people kept walking by, and as they walked by they kept accidentally touching my butt - so annoying. Unfortunately all the seats were talking, so we had to stand.

One of the funniest moments was when this guy was going around introducing himself as the CEO of the company. He came up to Ryan and Ryan was like, "what?" ... the guy introduced himself again and Ryan was like, "oooh....Ryan Birch...nice to meet you." Then the guy goes on about Ryan and football - and wishing Ryan luck is in football career...or something. ... Then the guy left and Ryan says, "That was my managers husband pretending to be the CEO" - what alcohol does to people - after the guy walked away he behind another guy and shoved his hand into a guys armpit from behind.....WEIRD!

It was also a lot of fun watching this girl from Ryan's work flirting with and following another coworker...even though she had her husband their with her. And the guy trying to run away from her the whole time... it's like... take a hint, he not interested...oh yah, and YOU'RE MARRIED!

I'm so glad I don't drink - get drunk - and make a fool of myself, haha.

FYI - the only reason we stayed as long as we did at the party - was cuz we were hoping to win the grand prize (they had a raffle every half hour) - we didn't win. Bummer.

Note to self : Never go to a lesbian bar ever again (seeing women makeout all over the place is just not my cup of tee).

Sorry this is can't randomly put together - I'm tired, and going to bed now :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man - there are so many typos in this! How annoying...
