Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oops and Uh-Oh!

The oops - So, after I had Cael I had to buy some new clothes because I was a little bigger than normal...well, now those clothes are too small! I'll admit - I've been eating A LOT lately! So my new goal is to excercise daily and eat less junk - so easy, right? I started tonight because I didn't want this to be one of those "I'll do it tomorrow..." things. Also, Ryan and I made a goal to not let any junk food in our house for the next month (which going to be really hard for us, haha). So, wish me luck! The Uh-Oh - So, it has sort of been coming on gradually, I think - but I'm convinced that I have been dealing with some sort of depression. I don't know if it is some kind of post-partum thing or if it is a side effect to a new drug, or if its just out of no where - but its starting to become more apart of my life than I'd like it to be. Its like one minute I'm "normal," optimistic, and happy - and the next minute I think I'm the biggest dissappointment in the world, everyone hates me (which totally isn't true...cuz I'm so awesome, right?), and nothing is possible. Maybe its weird that I'm bringing it up in a blog - but its not something I'm really worried about people knowing because I'm not embarassed or ashamed and I would like any advice, thoughts, ideas or whatever you think might help me get through this! Anyway - so thats my oops and uh-oh..... .... .... Go Giants!


  1. I totally feel you. I have days like that. My advice...
    1) Ask Heavenly Father to give you advice on how you could serve some one else that day.

    2) Take a mini vacation to relax for a moment. That could be "putting yourself in time out" for 5 minutes (set a timer) and day dreaming about walking on the beach with Ryan. At the end of the five minutes, take a deep breath, and remember that you did the best you could that day, and that is what matters.

  2. I think you should hang out with me.

  3. I have those off and on moments all the time and I KNOW it's not post partum hehe. I agree that you should hang out with Rachel. She always makes me feel better!

    Also, I started taking St Johns Wort and I've felt a huge improvement. It may be something to talk to your doctor about. I didn't need anything prescriped, but this helped a lot.

  4. Thanks for the ideas! I'll keep all of them in mind. Haha, Lauren - I take those daydreaming breaks as often as I can! Rachel, we should totally hang out.....I bought Tangled :-) We should watch it! Megan, I've never even heard of that...but I just googled and I'm definitely interested in it - first thing though, I should probably talk to my doctor! Again, thanks for the ideas.
