Friday, March 20, 2009


So on Monday I started this new workout/diet program called "Body-for-LIFE." It's only been a few days and I am in SO MUCH PAIN!! I'm not starving - I actually feel like I'm eating too much....oh well. The workout part is crazy. Every other day I do an "aerobic exercise" aka - running, and in between those running days I switch off doing either an upper body work out or lower body workout. Day 1 came and I was gonna run...that's when I realized....Ryan's at work, and I have a baby! Well...I already knew I had a baby..... and that Ryan was at work... but I couldn't go running cuz I don't have a jogging stroller and I can't just leave Jaeda at home. So what do I do? I run in place! Genius, right?? ..... WRONG!! 5 minutes after I was finished runnnig in place, I was in SO MUCH PAIN!! (that's funny.... I said "SO MUCH PAIN" in capitals twice unintentionally...well 3 times now) The next day I wanted to cry with every step. Well I'm still sore but its not just my legs anymore - now its my shoulders! I was lifting weights and now I want to cry every time I walk AND every time I turn the steering wheel in the car, haha. Oh it gets a little better... I brought up my pain to Ryan and he said, "Sounds like like you're not stretching enough." ..........I'm such a dummy!!!! How gig I forget to stretch for the last 5 days??? Ay yi yi......


Jaeda is gonna start crawling any day now!! Well, at least I think she is.... she might not though, cuz she's figured out how to army crawl. It's pretty hilarious. She sees something across the room and she just pulls her little body with her little arms across the floor. i need to get a video of it.

Also, she's been teething! It's exciting but sad all at the same time - every time she smiles or laughs, there's a little bit of crying in there too - it's like, even though she's happy...she's hurting so much that she has to throw in a cry in the middle of her laughter. It should be getting better though - she tooth cut through and I'm pretty sure that's the most painful part.


  1. So... never tell Paul important things like "I started blogging." The message will never get the one who matters... me :) I'm excited about you're body for life... you'll have to let me know how it goes. We've been working out, but my body has decided not to lose weight this past week... lame! good luck!!

  2. Good for you, for starting a work out.
    I'm soo glad you got a blog. I can't wait to see more pictures of Jaeda.

  3. How on earth did you take an upside down video?
