Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Time to Relocate!

So I was thinking, and I'm pretty sure our apartment hasn't been cleaned/organized since before we had Jaeda. Ever since we had her - and have purchased necessary baby items, there isn't any room....for ANYTHING! Our apartment is SO small - Jaeda's stuff is taking up the space of her entire bedroom (Except for the pathway to her crib, dresser, and rocking chair) plus 2 corners of the living room (and it's a small living room). We got rid of our piano cuz neither of us was playing it and we needed the space. The closets are jam packed with mostly mine and Jaeda's clothes. The sorage closet is filled with Ryan's pre mission stuff, my sewing stuff, christmas decorations, and tools. The bathroom has a toddler tub hogging the floor and the bathroom "counter" is covered with my face wash, make up, beauty supplies, ryans shaving stuff - etc.... Every single shelf we own is filled with books, cds, mini disks, etc..... It seems like the only empty space we have is in the fridge :-( Anywho - it's driving us NUTS so we're looking for a new apartment. I'm pretty sure we're either gonna end up at our old complex (cedar chateau) or a complex on the South Hill. Wish us luck! We need to be outta this place ASAP before one of us goes crazy............ scratch that, before I go crazy, Haha.

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